Wednesday 22 November 2017

Food for thought. Too much of it.

Just a short post this time for you all. I came across two articles in the Guardian that might be of interest to some of you, and are definitely relevant.

The first article, which you can find here, discusses that humans' meat-based diets and over-consumption of food is leading to a decline in forest extent, which disproportionately affects the Amazon Rainforest. I recommend having a read of the comments section too - a lot of people point to over population as opposed to simply individual over-consumption and meat-based diets. What do you think?

The second article, linked for you wonderful reader(s) here, is particularly alarming. Insect populations have declined beginning around the 1980s, and that trend isn't showing any signs of stopping. Fewer creepy crawlies? Sounds great, right? Not when you think about how ecologically important insects are, and how resilient they've been in the past. As the article suggests, it's a catastrophe!

Enjoy the reading and keep an eye out for my next post on deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest and the ecological impacts occurring as a result. It should be coming out next Friday (don't quote me on that)!

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